SALUMAR armoniza tu vida


 SALUMAR Is a Natural product Composed of minerals and oligoelementos. Indicated for any age, it stimulates the physical and mental development, specially in children and adolescents. Salumar: It balances the physical, mental and spiritual performance, offering him to harmony and success to all his activities.
 SALUMAR is a cellular regenerator that acts in all its organism, recovers weaves, promotes and regulates the hormone production. It increases the work that makes the apparatuses digestive, circulatory, respitarorio, reproducer and toilet. It activates the systems bony, neuronal, muscular and tegumentario, (nails, hair and skin).
 SALUMAR: It is the result of one long scientific research and technical as natural product · the mineral presence of marine origin, allows that their therapeutic action is total ·
 Aid to a purifying action of the blood, kidneys, liver and internal, besides to neutralize harmful acids, canalizes fished metals and remainders of drugs and accumulated foods in the organism · Interviene in the own vitamin assimilation of foods and drinks ·
 Actu'a like antirust, giving better movement to articulate to the body and slowing down the aging ·
Regula the sugar in the blood and the arterial pressure, reason why ·
Equilibra diminishes the diseases cardiac the fats and the liquids and increases levels of I oxygenate ·
Nutre and builds as preventive · and in general work in the treatment and prevention of the calcium deficiencies, with absorption of 95% being natural and special product.
 · Sulfur 0,04% · 34,36% Calcium · Cobre 6,54 PPM · Cobalt 12,93 PPM · Chlorides 0,27 % · Chromium 3,24 PPM · Fluorine 50,86 PPM · Iron 0,39% · Manganese 0,0062 % · Mangnesio and 4,1% Alkaline Sales · Pure Metals 0,002% · Nitrogen 0,20% · Nickel 10,21 PPM · Potassium 0,012% · Selenium 216 PPB · Vanadium 4,48 PPM · Zinc 0.0024%
SALUMAR this endorsed by Medicine Specialists and Science of the Health, of great trajectory and respetabilidad, that have found in their therapeutic properties an aid in the treatment of alterations and deficiencies in patients like the following ones: * Úrico acid * Dolores in General * Parkinson * Acne * Epilepsy * Mareos * Anemia * Stress * Migraña * Reumatoidea Arthritis * Chronic Constipation * Osteoporosis * Cholesterol * Fractures * Rinitis * Null and voidable Colon * Drop * Sinusitis * Depression * Hemorroides * Menstrual Upheavals * Diabetes * Hernia Discal * Triglicéridos * Diverticulitis * Impotence * Ulceras Varicose
POSOLOGIA: Adults: 2 Young daily tablets: 1 daily tablet To consume with sufficient water
GERARDO  APARICIO To Cra 15 No. 60 71/75
Tels: 2172250 - 3477062 - 3478334